Our Locations

Ball Academy is based in the Geneva area and in the Lavaux region in:

Champel, Geneva
Cité Bleue, Geneva

Salle de Forestay, Puidoux

Salle du Forestay
Chem. du Signal 2
1070 Puidoux

5 minutes away on foot from public transportation:

Train station: Puidoux

Bus stop: Cité de Sully

Salle de sport de Genthod

Ecole de Genthod
Route de Valavran 139
1294 Genthod

Located a few minutes on foot from the Genthod train station.

Crêts-de-Champel Gym

Chemin des Crêts-de-Champel 40
1206 Genève

Bus stops are only a few meters on foot:

Crêts de Champel
Buses: 3, 11, A6, NO

Buses: 3, A6, NO

Cité Bleue Gym

Cité Universitaire de Genève
Av. de Miremont 46
1206 Genève

Bus stops are only a few meters on foot:

Crêts de Champel
Buses: 3, 11, A6, NO

Close to FIBA

Across the lake from our Academy, you will find the headquarters of FIBA, the world’s basketball governing body.